Why Live Stream?

Many companies are afraid of going live, preferring to hide behind carefully crafted, pre-made websites and videos. But going live proves that you’re real. It’s the difference between a shop that’s all shuttered up with the doors firmly locked and the only access via a small letterbox. Or a shop with the doors wide open, windows brightly let and a warm welcome to come inside and get involved.

Some organisations worry that things might go wrong and because it’s live they’ll have no control over it, thereby potentially damaging the brand value in some way. The truth is audiences love watching lies because there is that energy, knowing anything can sometimes does happen. That’s why it’s important to partner with someone like Total Stream Solutions who have a background in live television on Outside Broadcasts for the BBC. We’ve seen it all and by planning for things going wrong, we can make sure they either don’t go wrong, or if they do, they are handled in a professional way so the audience doesn’t even notice.

But audiences don’t just love live streams because there’s always that danger that something might go wrong. They love Lives because it’s the best way there is to engage your audience and make them feel part of your ‘family’. By responding to them live and including them in your output, they feel valued, listened to and part of your story. Nothing, literally nothing, builds audience numbers and audience loyalty like live streaming.

So why Live Stream? Well because if you don’t, you’re handing the advantage to your competitors.

Also, COVID has indeed forced a re-think of how events happen, but increasingly environmental concerns as well as the costs of flying people around world and putting them up in expensive hotels means remote production and live-streaming just makes more sense.

Let’s Keep in Touch

    Contact Details

    We can provide Live Streaming training, either on specific kit, solutions and studios, or as a generic overview of available Live Streaming platforms and work-flows.

    +44 (0)330 0431686

    Norwich, United Kingdom